Video marketing tips for local businesses

Video marketing tips for local businesses

Understanding Your Target Audience Who Are They? First things first, if you’re gonna win at video marketing, you need to know who you’re speaking to. The local audience can vastly differ, so think about the demographics you’re targeting. Are they millennials?...
How to generate leads through local SEO

How to generate leads through local SEO

Understanding Local SEO Basics What is Local SEO? When I first dove into marketing, I realized that local SEO is all about optimizing your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches. Think about it: if someone in your area types “best sushi...
Building a community-focused local marketing strategy

Building a community-focused local marketing strategy

Understanding Your Community’s Needs Engage with Local Residents Engaging with local residents is hands down one of the most effective ways to understand what your community actually wants and needs. I’ve spent countless hours chatting with folks around...
How to optimize Google My Business for SEO

How to optimize Google My Business for SEO

Claim and Verify Your Business Listing Why Claiming is Crucial Let me tell you, claiming your business listing on Google My Business (GMB) is like setting up your digital storefront. It’s the first step in getting visible online. If you don’t claim your business,...
The role of social proof in local marketing

The role of social proof in local marketing

Understanding What Social Proof Is Defining Social Proof So, let’s kick things off by talking about what social proof really is. You know that feeling when you see a restaurant packed with diners, and you think, “It must be good”? That’s social proof at...
Creating an effective local marketing calendar

Creating an effective local marketing calendar

Hey folks! Today, I want to share my insights on how to create a killer local marketing calendar. It’s something I’ve honed over the years, and let me tell you, having a structured approach makes a world of difference. So, let’s dive right into the fun part—planning...